100% of visitors recommend Haldon Forest Park

100% of visitors recommend Haldon Forest Park

Results of a visitor survey carried out during summer 2024 reveals that 100% of visitors would recommend Haldon Forest Park to their friends and family. The survey also showed that visitors to the forest value its open space and wildlife habitat, convenient facilities, and kids’ activities.

The most popular forest activities for visitors were walking, running, and spending time at children’s play areas, with many others visiting for an exhilarating bike ride.

Earlier this year, Haldon Forest Park was selected as one of the nation’s best to visit by outdoor retailer, Millets.

Haldon Forest Park manager, Katy Harrison, said:

“Our team works hard 364 days a year to provide a great welcome, so I’m thrilled that our visitors would unanimously recommend Haldon Forest Park.

While we were only able to speak to a fraction of our visitors during a busy summer, their warm response clearly demonstrates the value of Haldon Forest Park to families of all interests and abilities.”

Start planning your trip to join thousands of happy visitors at Haldon Forest Park.

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